
Does your ceiling look dull than before and all its colour looks faded even though it is less exposed to hands and stains?  Well, the problem is the accumulated grime and dust that have long been neglected in your cleanup routines.  As a professional service for home cleaning in Auckland,  we bring you the easiest ways by which you can deep clean your ceiling.

Here is what all you need:

  • A duster with an extendable rod
  • Vacuum with a detachable soft-bristled brush
  • Dishwashing liquid,  vinegar,  baking soda, and water
  • A clean Microfiber mop or an old but clean towel

The process:

Whenever you begin deep cleaning your house, you should always start by dusting off the ceilings. Moving top to bottom is the best way to avoid messing up already clean areas.

Dusting off the dry layers is extremely important before mopping. Using a wet mop directly can lead to grime build-up and dust streaks that will become difficult to clean. To avoid smears use an extendable and adjustable duster, vacuum, or broom at your convenience to get rid of cobwebs and dust clouds.

After corners try reaching lamp shades, chandeliers, and fans attached to the ceiling. Remember these appliances must be cleaned with care to avoid any damage. Moreover,  they are electrically operated so using any liquid in haste could be a risky job. You can use a vacuum to remove dust build-up.

Tip:  Always work with soft-bristled and feathered brushes.

Move your hand in To and fro motion and with gentle strokes. In case you have POP ceilings use a feathered brush to reach the inner corners easily.

The next step is to wash or mop your ceilings
This step is for ceilings that are silicon finished, tiled, or flat. Using washing liquid on a textured ceiling will lead to crumbling and will cause retention of water. Therefore for smooth ceilings, you need a bucket of hot water, pour in a tablespoon of dishwashing liquid, half a cup of baking soda, and a cup of vinegar.

  • Dampen an old but clean towel or a microfiber mop in the solution.
  • Attach the mop to an extendable rod and wipe the ceiling in long and even strokes.
  • Once done use a dry towel to mop excess water and let it dry. And voila!  Your ceiling will shine as new.

Tip:  wash only if the surface is washable or is painted with washable paint.

  • Do not soak your cloth but just dampen it. The water should not drip from the mop.
  • If the mop becomes too dirty, replace it.
  • In the case of POP ceilings dry dust your ceilings using a soft bristled vacuum in even strokes.

Stubborn Ceilings
When we say stubborn ceilings we mean the ceiling in your kitchen which harbours food stains,  smoke ashes and grease. To get rid of all this you need to get a ladder and use cleaning agents like degreasers and stain removers and spot clean the affected areas. Once done repeat the steps given above. The vinegar and baking soda solution act as an abrasive cleaner which not just cleans but disinfects and deodorises the surface.

If you need more answers and help then Flash Cleaning the expert home cleaning service in Auckland is available at…